Mindful Eating Made Easy (for moms!)

What is mindful eating? It’s the practice of slowing down, enjoying your food, and listening to your hunger and fullness cues (aka not eating because you’re bored).

It sounds pretty simple, but after a lifetime of emotional eating or rushed meals it can be a challenge to put into practice!

mindful eating in 4 easy steps

Here are 4 simple steps to help you begin to practice mindful eating.

  1. Don’t skip meals (or get too hungry between meals). Yes fasting is a big trend, and if that works for you…awesome! Most people tend to get over hungry when going too long between meals, and getting too hungry can lead to big cravings or over-indulging. (Ever showed up to a restaurant starving and devour the bread basked in 1.5 minutes?? Or is that just me ;))

    Eating foods that are satisfying (like protein and fiber) can keep you feeling full for longer so you don’t feel like you need to be constantly eating.

  2. SLOW DOWN! This can be tricky in our go-go-go world… especially if you are eating with kids ;) Slowing down can allow you to notice your hunger and fullness cues, which is crucial for developing a habit of mindful eating. You may have heard it takes 20 minutes for your body to digest your food… slowing down allows you to notice if you are actually starting to feel satisfied vs just eating because the food is there, etc.

  3. Put down the distractions. Turn off the screens, put down the book, and enjoy your meal! Distracted eating can lead to overeating or not feeling satisfied when the meal is done. Enjoy conversation or simply notice the taste of your food if enjoying a meal alone. This is a great habit to have when eating with your kids too! It allows the family to be connected and can help your kids develop their own habit of mindful eating.

  4. You don’t have to clear your plate! I know, I know… this was the golden rule for previous generations. But forcing yourself (or telling your kids) to clear the plate = not listening to hunger and fullness cues. Slowing down and noticing when you’re satisfied should be what tells you that you are “done”… not when the food is gone. This is especially key in restaurants where serving sizes are large and the food is yummy ;). If you are concerned about food waste, start with a smaller portion. If you’re at a restaurant with large portions, as the server to pre-bag half the meal or split your meal.

Developing a habit of mindful eating can be tricky if you have a habit of emotional eating. I help my clients learn to overcome emotional eating + practice healthy nutrition habits so they can raise kids who have a healthy relationship with food. Want to learn more about modeling healthy habits for your kiddos? Follow along on instagram :)

p.s. get my free ebook on how to stop stress eating by clicking below.

How to stop stress eating
mindful eating made easy
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