Questions to ask when hiring a health coach

I know there are plenty of moms who think it’s wasteful or selfish to invest in themselves (it’s not.)

But there are these deeply rooted beliefs that hold us back. As if our desires and lives should be second to our kids’… even though our health and happiness IS directly related to theirs.  


Questions to ask yourself when hiring a health coach

So how can you decide if private health coaching is right for you?


First, consider the following questions.


  • Have you been trying to improve your health for the last several years on your own without getting very far? Always gaining and losing the same five pounds? Always trying the same dumb shake or plain chicken meal when it’s time to “get strict” about your diet??

  • Are you unclear about the specific goals you have for yourself because there is just SO much information available that you don’t know where to start? Whole 30? Keto? Cutting carbs or dairy? More kale? Less red meat?? WTF should I do next?

  • Have you been successful at changing some health habits, but still struggle with loving or accepting your body? Made a habit of getting workouts in and definitely eating better but still being a major MEAN-GIRL to yourself??

  • Do you desperately wish you didn’t spend so much time comparing yourself to other mamas on instagram or facebook?

  • Do you want your kids to grow up learning about balance and moderation and NOT yo-yo dieting or thinking negative thoughts about their bodies?

  • Are you totally OVER the idea of meal plans or strict diets that promise weight loss, but force you to give up your favorite foods?? (pass the fries, plz)


If you are here reading this, I’m guessing you answered YES to at least one of those questions. I think we all want to be healthy and happy and teach our kids balance. Duh. You’re smart. You know this shit.


But why is it so hard to make changes??

And how long will it take to do it on your own?


Will you continue to wrestle each week with changing your habits and trying to adopt new changes that don’t quite fit into your life?

I know you are busy. Running a household and caring for these babes is tough work.

Throw in friendships (what?), exercise (yikes), volunteering in kid’s classrooms, working/side-hustling. And all the damn laundry. It’s just a lot.

Only YOU know if you can go on thinking the same negative thoughts about your body. 

Only YOU know if you can white-knuckle it any longer. 

Only YOU can decide if it’s time to do something different.


But how do you decide?


Close your eyes, and imagine yourself one year from now.


Look at your future self in the mirror.

Ask yourself, how your life is different. How is life the same? Are your health habits different? Do you look in the mirror and love your body?


What about three months from now?


Have you committed to taking time for yourself each week? Each day? Or are you a tired, stressed, frustrated ball of nerves because you never have a second to focus on YOU?


Now think about where you are TODAY.


What will need to change to become the woman and mom you know you can be in the next three months? What about the woman you desire to be one year from now?


Can you do it on your own, or are you ready to stop DIY-ing your health?


If you’re over trying to do it yourself, click below to fill out my coaching application.


I can’t wait to help you become the woman you know you can be. 


Talk soon,



Questions to ask yourself when hiring a health coach.