Before working together, I had done several diets and seen results that only lasted for a few months and then I was back where I started (often times heavier). Each diet left me less in touch with my body and what it really needed. The last 12 weeks have been transformative for me, and throughout the entire process Cassandra never restricted what I ate or how much. This really helped me take ownership over my diet, and because of that I feel confident I can move forward and continue to work toward my goals.
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I’m on a mission to help moms break the diet cycle and start enjoying food + movemebt AND their postpartum bodies…

So we can raise a generation of kids who don’t have to go through the body/food obsession.

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Have you tried it all??

Keto, whole 30, shakes, cleanses.
(check, check, check, check)

This is for you.

I take the rules and restrictions OUT of eating (because by now, you know that doesn’t work anyway).

Instead, we simplify food so you can:

  • stop obsessing about food

  • lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way

  • have energy!

  • END the caffeine + sugar cravings/obsessions

  • model healthy habits for your kids

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